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Published by Groupe Major, September 14, 2022
Back to school
Children 21 years and older / Proof of full-time studies
Summer is coming to an end soon (too soon) and our children are already going back to school. Back to school means it’s time to get those agendas and kits in order and get ready to get back to the rhythm of the school year. Don’t forget to make sure your child is covered by your health insurance. Major Group will help you choose the best option for your family.

A friendly reminder
To help all parents, we would like to remind you that we need proof that your employees’ children over the age of majority* are attending school full-time.
*A child over the age of majority is a child between the ages of 21 and 25 (or 26 in Quebec).
We will accept a copy of the child’s semester schedule (showing a full-time course load for Fall 2022), or a letter from their school.
Submit a proof
Employees may send documents to us at service@groupemajor.ca with the following subject line:
Proof of Full-Time Fall 2022 – *Employee Name / Certificate Number*
Please share this information
Please feel free to share this information with your employees to facilitate communication and avoid confusion or concern. It is important that your employees are aware of these changes and their impact on their health coverage.
Any questions?
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us by phone at the number indicated below or by email at the address indicated. We are at your disposal to answer all your questions.

This text was written by the Major Group team, which specializes in group insurance.
Our team is made up of experts in the field, ready to assist you and answer all your questions about group insurance for your company.